In web hosting, a dedicated hosting service is called a dedicated server. It is generally managed by the hosting service which is a type of client-managed Internet hosting service when sharing the entire server with anyone. A considerable effort has been made by an engineer who gives this server refers to the rental and exclusive use of a computer that includes a web server, related software and Internet connection.
It has been observed that a dedicated server is usually needed for a website that can help develop a considerable amount of traffic when a website gets a million visits from people in a day. Because a dedicated server is usually configured and managed remotely by the customer’s company. According to the web hosting company, a dedicated server saves routers, Internet connection, network administration, security system and much more.

How do I set up my dedicated server?
Finally, we know that how to use the dedicated server with cPanel and it is also possible for installation in just 5 steps to ensure that we can actually collect all your websites. And then you can guess how we can use a dedicated server with the cPanel for an initial installation of your operating system and network interface configuration So for this you need to check that your cPanel is ready to perform tasks or not. We are working here to resolve the entire server issue when configuring and configuring the dedicated server using web hosting as listed.
First of all, log in to your hosting company account using the correct email address and password.
Click the server button and press next door to select the account that you want to use.
Click the Manage button to review the end-user license agreement, and then click the Accept button.
You can complete the following terms for the initial configuration of cPanel and press the next button.
Select the run tab to upgrade Apache to learn about the WHM Security Center.
Click the settings button to confirm the configuration, and then press the Send button.
You can back up your dedicated server and save your data to a safe place on your device.
After that, in case you need to update the dedicated server you can follow the same procedure with the help of a previous backup.
How to set up a dedicated server for web hosting:
Sign in to your hosting company account and press the settings button to enable the web hosting file.
Go to the first page and choose a web hosting selection configuration option and enter the correct domain name.
Select a dedicated server and quickly start searching for the small and medium-sized site online.
Select the easiest plan to set up and manage a server for the web hosting service.
Click on server management and use the features that allow you to complete the task instantly.
When you’re done, click the save edit button and enter your password and press the end button at the end of the task.