The edge computing market would grow to more than $61 billion by 2028. This translates as a six-year compound annual growth rate of about 38.4%.
Sadly, the IT staffs needed to enable the adoption of cutting-edge technology within businesses are not growing by 38.4%. IT needs to decide how it will support all of this edge technology.
To manage relationships, IT vendors frequently employ account managers to significant customer accounts. This account manager’s “point person” can mobilize the required resources in the event of an issue, then follow up to ensure that the work and/or support are completed to a satisfying conclusion.
IT must make sure that edge IT assets are secure and that only people with permission may use them, both from a security and governance perspective. Expecting end users to implement security and governance on their own is unrealistic, and if they fail to do so, a breach may result in significant support problems. Zero-trust networks automate IT monitoring and safety to avoid incidents by monitoring every IT asset that is on them. The network immediately detects a breach or the addition of a new edge IoT solution that IT is unaware of and delivers a warning.
If they aren’t properly maintained, network routers, workstations, industrial robots, drones, sensors, etc. will all fail. Preemptive maintenance AI analytics software is currently available to monitor edge IT assets and send notifications anytime a possible problem is found. This provides technical support with a chance to fix a problem before something truly goes wrong.
These “solutions” can frequently be carried out remotely from a centralized place. This reduces travel time and costs for IT technical help.
The technical support job is significantly impacted by a failure to rapidly upgrade software and firmware for security vulnerabilities and performance enhancements. IT can prevent many of these upgrade-related technical support difficulties by utilizing a software and firmware automation tool that automatically applies new updates as they are released.
The same general principle holds true for network and system backups.
By automating the backup procedure, end users can avoid downtime and recoverable points are created for these assets. Auto backups and failovers also give organizations like technical support more stress-free time to review an incident’s detail information and come up with a preventative measure.Technical assistance is the only sector of IT that is better equipped to provide information on how and where networks and systems are failing. This is because technical support is out there every day listening to end-user complaints, troubleshooting the issues, and figuring out why they are occurring.
It is highly likely that the initial application design will be created so it will avoid many of the trouble spots that existing applications are plagued with, if technical support knowledge of where system and network pitfalls are occurring on the edge is used in the process of creating the initial application (which they aren’t usually).
The administration of vendor relationships is handled by separate vendor or contract management departments at large businesses. These connections frequently center on difficulties with contracts, performance, and vendor services.
If technical support gives vendor management regular feedback regarding the success (or failure) with each vendor in problem solving and performance improvement, the vendor management function can be improved. Particularly with regard to edge technology, where vendor support isn’t usually developed, this is true.
It sometimes makes sense to put IT support staff directly at the edge rather than maintaining help centralized since edge technology is so dense.
The maintenance of edge medical networks and equipment, as well as automated industrial processes, both require quick, on-site technical support. Continuous on-site support may also be required for field activities employing drones and other distributed IoT, large field offices, or both.
CIOs and other IT leaders should carefully consider whether it makes sense to decentralize IT technical support employees so that direct support may be offered at the edge if there is a clear movement of mission-critical IT away from the data center and out to the edge.