Netflix is an online streaming service offering a wide range of multimedia content in exchange for a modest monthly fee. As a subscriber, you can benefit from Netflix’s extensive catalog of movies, TV series, original productions, and documentaries to display from your computer, consoles, smartphones, or tablets.

Netflix is a monthly subscription service, but if you’re reluctant to sign up, you can test the Netflix service for a one-month trial period.
How to get Netflix for free
The first step is to select a plan. To do so, go to the official Netflix website and click the Free join for a month button: Then click View Plans and choose from the three subscription options offered (basic, Standard and Premium). When the selection is made, click Continue.
The next step is to create your account. To do this, just enter an email address and password. Fill in the fields and click Register: The last step is to select a payment method. You can choose between paying by credit card or PayPal. Enter your payment information and click on start to start your subscription. You will now be granted a month of access to the entire Netflix Media Library.
You can cancel your subscription at any time during the trial period until one day before the expiration date. You will be sent an email reminder as an additional precaution.