UltraViolet, one of the first digital home entertainment services, announced that it will close on July 31. This gives users only a couple of months to back up and safeguard their existing libraries.
The cloud-based Box Office service has acted as a bridge for users to blow up hardware to digital space, offering redeemed codes within DVDs and blue rays for the best of both worlds. These films could be seen on multiple devices and shared with up to five people in total. In general, the service managed to accumulate more than 30 million users with access to more than 300 million movies and TV shows.

The Ultraviolet has been a product of the digital entertainment content ecosystem (dece LLC), a collaborative group consisting of film studios, electronics manufacturers, resellers and more. It is this collaboration that allows libraries to continue to thrive. By linking an account to as many resellers as possible, a user maximizes access to their library. If a company’s rights to a film fall, another retailer could potentially guarantee continued access.
To do this, users simply have to log on via the Myuv.com portal and select resellers on the right side. From there, clicking on a listed retailer should link your account. Ultraviolet recommends that users do not click on the linked libraries in order to preserve access to the library.
Not surprisingly, the ultraviolet has begun to decline in recent years, as Disney has launched its competitor in 2017, films dubbed everywhere. This has more features, with the ability to connect to ITunes, Amazon and Google Play, but is not available outside the United States. In combination with the improvement of streaming services, ultraviolet sales had been quite successful.
In general, users should still be able to purchase and access content as they always have, as long as they are connected to retailers. No new content will be made available on 31 July, but items already purchased on the market can redeem content through these same retailers. Things are subject to copyright however, which means that the days are perhaps counted for the ultraviolet libraries.