With authorization, you can use Bluetooth File Exchange to browse the Public folder on the device, retrieve files from the device, and transmit files to the device when your Mac is linked to a Bluetooth® enabled device, like a phone. However, you can easy transfer files between Macs or between a Mac and another Bluetooth-enabled device using the following steps:
Enable Bluetooth:
Make sure Bluetooth is turned on for both your Mac and the device you want to send files to.
Pair Devices:
Ensure that your Mac is paired with the other Bluetooth device. You may need to go to “System Preferences” > “Bluetooth” and pair the devices if they are not already paired.

Use AirDrop (Mac-to-Mac):
If you’re transferring files between Macs and both are running macOS Lion (10.7) or later, you can use AirDrop.
Open a Finder window and click on “AirDrop” in the sidebar.
Make sure AirDrop is set to “Everyone” or “Contacts Only” in the AirDrop window.
Drag and drop the file onto the icon of the Mac you want to send it to.
Bluetooth File Exchange (Mac-to-Device):
On your Mac, go to “Applications” > “Utilities” > “Bluetooth File Exchange.”
Choose “Send File” or “Send Folder” from the “File” menu.
Select the file or folder you want to send.
Choose the Bluetooth device you want to send the file to.
How to enable Bluetooth Sharing on Mac?
You can enable file sharing over Bluetooth using the following steps:
Open System Preferences:
Click on the Apple logo in the top-left corner of your screen.
Select “System Preferences.”
Go to Sharing Preferences:
In the System Preferences window, click on “Sharing.”
Enable Bluetooth Sharing:
In the Sharing preferences pane, you will see a list of services on the left.
Look for “Bluetooth Sharing” in the list.
Check the box next to “Bluetooth Sharing” to enable it.
Configure Bluetooth Sharing Options (Optional):
Click on the “Options…” button next to “Bluetooth Sharing” to configure specific options.
Here, you can choose the folder where incoming Bluetooth files will be saved and set permissions for who can send files to your Mac.
Please note that the availability of certain options may vary depending on your macOS version. Also, keep in mind that Bluetooth file sharing might have limitations depending on the types of devices you are trying to connect and the file types you are trying to transfer.
Please note that the steps and options might vary depending on the macOS version you are using. Additionally, improvements or changes may have been made in subsequent macOS updates. Always refer to the latest documentation for your specific macOS version.